
  • Erwin Subly Fadillah UIN Fatmawati Bengkulu
  • Suhirman Suhirman UIN Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu
  • Desy Eka Citra UIN Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu


Implementation,, BTQ Program and Ability.


The formulation of the research problem is how to implement the implementation of the BTQ program on the ability to read and write the Koran at SMPN Bengkulu Selatan, what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for the BTQ program at SMPN Bengkulu Selatan and what are the solutions taken to overcome obstacles to implementing the BTQ program at SMPN Bengkulu South, this type of research is Mix Method research, namely a combined qualitative and quantitative research with a Sequential Explanatory Design approach, namely the implementation of research carried out in stages. The data collection method used was qualitative, namely observation, interviews and documentation, quantitative data by distributing questionnaires to all respondents. The results of this research show: The BTQ program for reading and writing the Quran in South Bengkulu Middle School has not been able to improve the reading and writing ability of the Quran in South Bengkulu Middle School because South Bengkulu Middle School has not fully implemented the BTQ program in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2014, only 49% of schools implemented the BTQ Program to the max, but based on the correlation analysis test of the significance of the implementation of the BTQ Program, it has a very significant relationship with the ability to read and write the Koran in SMP Negeri Bengkulu Selatan because the significance value is <0.05, which is 0.001< 0.005. It can be concluded that if the South Bengkulu State Middle School implements the BTQ program to the fullest, it can improve the reading and writing ability of the Quran in the South Bengkulu State Middle School.



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